Registered PNCMI attendees are invited to tour the research facilities of the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) on July 29th, 2022. The tour will last roughly 4 hours, and transportation by bus will be provided from the Graduate Annapolis hotel. Alternatively, you may travel to NIST by car. In that case, however, you will be required to show your vehicle registration or rental agreement at the NIST Visitor Center.

If you are interested in the tour, be sure to check the appropriate box when registering for the ConferenceNo on-site registration can be accepted.  Once you register, a link will be sent for you to complete a required Visitor Registration form. An accepted government-issued ID will be required to gain access to NIST.

More information on the NIST Center for Neutron Research is available at


The cold neutron guide hall at the NCNR: visible in the foreground is the sample environment staging area, with the Disk Chopper Spectrometer (DCS) immediately behind it.  The new Very Small Angle Neutron Scattering (vSANS) instrument is being assembled to the right in front of the High Flux Backscattering (HFBS) instrument.  To the left of the mezzanine the Neutron Physics research station is visible, as well as the SANS (NG7) guide and the Neutron Interferometry cave.


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